
Monday, August 15, 2011

August 2011 Update

Hello friends and family,

I am writing this while still on the western side of the Atlantic, but on Monday the 15th, I fly back to Ukraine!  My roommate and I will fly together once we arrive in Munich -- should be fun.

Summer Life
Besides speaking in churches, I've spent this summer visiting friends and family -- plus meeting lots of new people.  I've been both a tourist and a tour guide in my own country.  Another highlight was the ability to connect with others who have been to Ukraine, or who have recently been on missions trips themselves.

Support Funds Update
Many of you asked about how much support I'd received this summer.  Here's the breakdown:
Still left in my Ukraine account as of the beginning of August-- $5,668.11
Received this summer from churches, monthly sponsors, or other one-time donations:  $4,669
Churches who still need to let me know an exact or additional amount:  5ish.
There are a couple current or future monthly sponsors whose contributions are not recorded, and I'm not sure of those amounts.

The definite total at this point is $10,217.11, and I spoke at one last church on Sunday the 14th.  That will make a total of 13 churches I've visited this summer.

So, through you, God is providing funds for this year!!!

New Field Strategy Coordinator for CIS Field
Lonnie and Connie Norris will be moving to Kiev this year to serve as FSC.  I have never met them, but they already have ties to the field.  Click here to read the related NCN News article.

Random Travel Facts:
This summer, I:
*Visited all 4 commonwealths within the US within a 2 week time:  Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.
*Have driven through 18 of the 23 Maryland counties.
*Spotted license plates for 45 different United States (missing AK, HI, Montana, Nevada, SD), 5 Canadian provinces (Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Alberta, Manitoba), plus DC and Diplomat tags.
*Walked across the state of Maryland (nearly 3 miles).

Upcoming Dates:
August 15:  Depart USA
August 16: Arrive in Ukraine
August 18-19: KCA Teacher Orientation/Preparation
August 23:  First Day of School!

Prayer Requests:
*Safe travels back to Ukraine (for myself and other missionaries, including some school families)
*Calmness and focus in preparing for this school year
*Nazarene mission team dynamics, as this is a year of transition:  two of our missionaries (who have been there long before I first came to Ukraine with YIM in 2008) are relocating to another Eurasia field, and we have a new Field Strategy Coordinator arriving.

*God's providing the necessary funds!
*Time with family and friends, and meeting new folks!

Thank you for all your continued support!

In Christ,


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