
Friday, November 8, 2013

I've moved!

It's been almost a year and a half since I was last in Ukraine.  So many things have happened during that time -- here's a brief summary of my major life changes:

~left Kyiv, my home of 3 years and stopped teaching at KCA
~got engaged to my wonderful man!!!
~moved back to America, to Kansas City specifically, and adjusted to life there for a brief time
~completed about half of my master's degree (Intercultural Studies at Nazarene Theological Seminary)
~moved back to Maryland about a month before my wedding and spent a lot of time visiting my grandmother in the hospital
~learned a lot about my parents' background, for good or for bad, and realized how it was affecting me
~welcomed many family and friends to my small town for our wedding week
~moved to the Netherlands
~welcomed many family and friends to our medium-sized city for our wedding week
~GOT MARRIED!!! AGAIN!!! To the same guy.  :)

Needless to say, this blog will only be periodically updated with things related to Ukraine.

If you are interested in reading my NEW blog, click on over to and maybe even subscribe to updates via a feed reader or email!  

See you there!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Я буду славить Господа Христа!

((A)) Каждый день на устах моих
Это славное имя - Иисус
Я не знаю имен других,
Лишь Его я превозношу!

((B)) Мое сердце поет о Нем,
О Спасителе дивном моем.
Только он мне дает покой,
Его Имя всегда со мной!

Прип. ((C)) Я буду славить Господа Христа!
Я буду помнить все Его дела!
Я буду петь Ему: Аллилуйя! Аллилуйя!

((D)) И когда солнце свет дарит,
Согревая всю землю теплом,
В моем сердце опять звучит
Иисусу Царю псалом!

Да славит тебя душа моя

Today I woke up with part of this song stuck in my head.  Keep in mind, I left Ukraine exactly 8 months ago today and have not heard this song since the last time we sang it in church at Studencheskaya.

Да славит Тебя душа моя (4р).

Да не умолкает
Господи Боже мой
Буду славить Тебя вечно
Господи Боже мой

Да славит Тебя Церковь Твоя (4р).

(video from YouTube)

(lyrics originally found here )